Thursday, October 05, 2006

Prayer Request

Melissa will be having a short surgery tomorrow (Friday). She will have her port taken out. She has been batlling an infection for a month, and they think it is in the port. They have wanted to put in a different port anyway, one that can handle more lines-- right now hers is a single line, and that makes it time consuming to run thru all the stuff they want to. So, she'll get a new line that can handle four different IV bags, and when the infection is cleared up, she'll get a new port. Yikes.

It has been the little things that are hardest. They needle at you. You don't feel right to begin with and then there are these many little things (some not so little, but when compared to the treatment, they're not as dire or severe) that add to your discomfort.

Melissa has been thinking and praying a lot about Job. On the outside, when we are well, we're not sure what to do with that book. It seems alien, foreign, menacing. Perhaps only the ill and suffering ought to have any say in its interpretation!

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