Saturday, October 21, 2006

Platelets, Revival

Thursday, Melissa's platelets were 70. Just 2 weeks ago they were in the teens and she was getting platelets by transfusion. Something has kicked in, and we hope it continues!

I think Melissa is in a place where endurance and patience are the issues. Facing down the drastic treatment of bone marrow transplant was something that required lots of focus and attention. It was very quantifiable. You had something to say to people when they asked what's up. Now, it's harder to tell. How do you explain that the transplant is the rescue from the treatment, and that all kinds of weird stuff just crops up in its aftermath? It's not definable quickly, so what do you say?

And she just has to gut it out. All along, it is the little things like an infection or insomnia that are the things that bring you down.

The boys and I will be in Texas next week, so I don't know if there will be anything new on the blog. Maybe I'll get to it.

The revival went well. It was good to be back in Winchester. Lots of old friends, made some new ones. I hope people's hearts were opened and seeds were planted. The boys came with me a few nights. John and Joe sang a song with some help. One night, they wrote their names on some name tags and then stuck them to an offering envelope. Inside, they drew a heart and gave it to me after the service. Wow.

Yesterday was the day of seeing people from Louisville-- Barbie Dickens and her three awesome boys. I promise you-- I saw it with my own eyes-- she beat her boys in a game of King of the Hill on a haystack. She had no mercy. You can expect no less from a woman with three boys... And we also saw Carla Evers, without her kids, and I know she needed that break!

1 comment:

DGH said...

As always....still praying for yall! Oh and what do you feed those boys? That is awesome!!! Talk about a great offering! Wow!