Friday, July 21, 2006

The Little Seminary

Melissa’s platelets held steady for two days. That’s a good sign, but they’re not very high, and they tend to drop after a few days. I think the docs like her so well they are doing anything they can to avoid taking the spleen out. She is off steroids and has more energy. She is more herself.

I took the boys in with me to work today. I had missed Wednesday with Joe being sick (and me, swimmer’s ear. Ye gads. I told Melissa I have never had it before. She said, “You’ve never been old before.”) Friday is normally my day off, but I had some stuff I did not get to.

I went out visiting with the boys, especially going to families with children, inviting them to our Family Fun Night—sheet draped on the side of the church so we can show a movie, hotdogs, popcorn, carnival games, blankets on the lawn, a great time of people getting together.

John and Joe each took a turn hading out fliers. Joseph talked to an older man who got the biggest kick out of him. “We are the Rock La Locust. (then some unintelligible words) movie tonight, popcorn (more jabber) hotdogs.”

I was reminded how good it is to walk at their pace. I sometimes get to moving too fast, blown away by how close the houses are and how many places I can go, rather than taking it in, and being ready to share the joy of hot dogs or Jesus.


Sandalstraps said...

I love walking with Adam for the same reason. Whenever we walk together I actually see everything. He makes me slow down enough to notice that walking is more than moving from one point to another point - there are so many points in between where you were and where you're trying to go, and each of those unexpected points are also worth occupying.

Tom said...

Maybe I'm just not as deep or well adjusted or whatever as you two, but when I walk at my kids' pace I just get frustrated that we're not getting anywhere.